Scams Warning


Unfortunately, fraudulent activity is everywhere and it has come to our attention that exhibitors and speakers are being targeted by bogus companies pretending to be , work with or be associated with the event organisers. 

These scams can vary in sophistication and often use actual event branding to appear genuine. These scams can target being included in directories, helping book hotels but more often are offering to sell visitor data. Please be aware, we will NEVER sell visitor data in this way. 

It is imperative that exhibitors and their frontline teams such as sales, marketing and finance are aware of these risks and remain vigilant. If you are ever unsure, do not engage and instead contact us as event organisers.

Advice from the Association of Event Organisers (AEO): 

Our advice is to IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY, and do not communicate with them in any way. Writing letters and responding to emails simply confirms that you exist and are available at the address/email address/number they have for you, and therefore payment can be pursued.

What you can do: 

  • Report it to your local trading standards 
  • DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THE SCAMMERS even when they threaten legal action
  • Optional: Complain to the receiving bank that their client Expo Guide (or equivalent), is obtaining money by deception.

Some known to be fraudulent organisations include: 

Event Fair,, Construct Data Verlag, Expo Guide (Mexico) and International Fairs Directory (Portugal). This is not an exhaustative list and there are likely many more so please do remain vigilant.